When you listen “Made a contribution to an open source project or community”…
…what comes to your mind?
We have some models of participation
At what stage are you with rOpenSci?
Can you give examples for other communities or projects that you are part and in what stage are you?
How long did it take you to move from one state to another?
Champions program are usually in all the spectrum
Examples of champion-ing activities
Convey: they post on social media to spread the word more widely
Contribute: they invite others to attend a event;
Collaborate: they host a community call;
Co-create: they run trainings or other activities for others in the community
rOpenSci Community Contributing Guide: a guide to help people find ways to contribute to rOpenSci
rOpenSci Blog Guide: a guide to help people to write and edit blog post for rOpenSci Blog.
rOpenSci Packages: Development, Maintenance, and Peer Review: guide for package authors, maintainers, reviewers and editors in rOpenSci software peer-review system
rOpenSci Statistical Software Peer Review: documentation of rOpenSci’s project on expanding software peer review to include statistical software.
Have you participate in any of this options?
Which one would you like to try?
You can use many of this options as your outreach activity for the Champions Program.
We would like to learn how we can improve this activities.
Spread the word about this options to people in your communities.
Create a comprehensive README: clearly explains what your package does, how to install it, and how users can start using it. Include examples or use cases and (links to) any relevant information which might help users understand how your package can help them.
Pin your package repository to your profile so other people can find it quickly.
Create a universe on R-universe, simplify the installation of your package, and provide useful stats and information about it.
We recommend creating a documentation website for your package using pkgdown.
Leverage platforms like Mastodon, LinkedIn, and R-specific forums such as R-bloggers and R Weekly to announce the release of your package.
If you like to give talks, you can speak at an R User Group or R-Ladies Chapter.
Presenting your package at a domain-specific conference or at R-specific conferences.
If your package fits in a CRAN Task View you can propose the addition.
Make your repo contribution and collaboration friendly
Code of conduct (CODE_OF_CONDUCT.md
): you can insert one with use_code_of_conduct()
from the usethis
package. The template comes from https://www.contributor-covenant.org.
OSI License (LICENSE.md
Contributing guide (CONTRIBUTING.md
): an easy way to insert a template for a contributing guide is the use_tidy_contributing()
from the usethis
In groups use your package or the package we create in the other trainings and
add a Code of Conduct.
add a Contributing Guide.
Usethis helps: https://usethis.r-lib.org/reference/use_code_of_conduct.html
Personal preferences in a contributing guide include:
Style preferences?
Infrastructure like roxygen2?
Workflow preferences? Issue before a PR?
Describe how you acknowledge contributions.
A scope statement, like in the skimr package?
We encourages contributing guides to include a lifecycle statement clarifying visions and expectations for the future development of your package.
Issue template(s): help users fill better bug reports or feature requests.
Issue labelling: use labels such as “help wanted” and “good first issue” to help potential collaborators, including newbies, find your repo.
Pinning issues: You can pin up to 3 issues by repository that will then appear at the top of your issue tracker as nice issue cards. It can help advertise what your priorities are.
Dev Guide section on Working with collaborators
Blog post Marketing Ideas For Your Package
rOpenSci community call Set Up Your Package to Foster a Community.
For re-using kind and usual answers, consider GitHub’s saved replies.